Fassifern Junior Rugby League Football Club - Bombers
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Good evening team,
In preparation for the 2025 Bombers season, we will be seeking expressions of interest from Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Managers.
Every team requires volunteers to fill these roles, in addition to a League Safe. It is a rewarding experience to be a Coach or Manager and our kids value the support and mentorship provided. There is no moment more special than awarding a child their first trophy and seeing their faces as your recognise their growth and development over the season.
There is no previous experience required and plenty of support available. Some roles do require online training which is free to complete and easily accessible. Don’t let this be a barrier, we are here to support.
Based on feedback from last year, we have also developed a process for parents and caregivers to request for their children to be allocated to a team with a specific individual. We understand and appreciate that there are circumstances, such as cousins who need to commute to games together and situations where there may be issues with an individual at school. We want our kids to have an enjoyable playing experience and therefore will absolutely take into consideration special circumstances requests in relation to team composition. It is important to note however, that mixing up teams (where there more than one team per age group) and ensuring each team is diverse in relation to skills and experience, is important. Where there is more than 1 team in any age group the club in consultation with Coaches will decide which player is allocated to which team.
We look forward to seeing you at the Bombers 50th celebration. Printed forms will be available at the bar area for you to fill out if you prefer, otherwise please complete the relevant form and return by the due date listed on the form.
Thank you in advance for your support. Let’s make the 2025 season a great one, full of memories that our kids will cherish forever.
Warm regards
Jess Gill
Club President
Fassifern Junior Rugby League Football Club